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A member registered 30 days ago

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Yeah, because to me, i prefer, if the narrative fits the gameplay, or that those two go hand in hand :) But the narrative in this case falls apart from day two (or whenever you are able to unlock the Stonks app), and its not even grinding, or abusing some wird unintended effects, its just using the game given mechanic in exactly the way it is intended to be used.
I know, that the title implies a dystopian world, but if the games very own mechanics allow you from the second day to not be poor anymore, and to basically solve most of your problems, then... wouldn´t i tbe nice, if there exist a tiny well hidden kind of happy end route?

Your God of War example can easily be countered by the fact, that more and more games allow you to go everywhere, to climb up and down, swim and dive, or even fly, and explore whereever you want. They take into account, that your char is strong, can climb, or jump really high, and they have to find good ingame ways to hinder the char from exploring some areas. Cyberpunk f.e. lets you rip open the locked doors, if you are strong enough. It also lets you unlock the locks, if your tech and hacking skills are good enough.
Artificially hindering the char from doing something by f.e. some invisible walls etc. just breaks the immersion, and takes away the fun, in some cases it just a massive disconnect between the game mechanics and the story/narrative.

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Yeah, i got that response too, and there i already wondered, why not also add a way to stay legal, as in, just pay all the taxes etc for trading. As far as i can see, trading coins is just as legal there as it is here, if you pay all the taxes and declare everything. No reason to go shady, because the bot has nothing to do with trading (other than that you have to stream at least one time to get the link to the stonks app).

But it was more like those situations, where you go out on a date, in a restaurant, MC is already millionaire, but while she orders a nice steak, MC just sounds like almost broke and just want a tomatoe soup :( Dude, check the millions of dollars in your inventory, you can afford a steak too.
Or where the landlord tells you, that he has to kick out another family because the can´t pay rent, and you get to choose, if you want pay for them too. The landlord then tells you, thats nice and understandable, but a bad idea, because they have to pay next week too. He asks me, if i want to pay then too, and looking in my inventory... yeah, indeed, i could pay for them too for the rest of their lifes ^.^ The game just does not take large amounts of money into account.


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Hello there,
would it be possible to add some reactions or responses, that the main char is at least a a little bit aware of his owned money, if he has a a nice sum? Because... right now, my char owns enough to buy the whole building, or a small island somewhere nice and live the rest of his life in peace without having any worry in the world. Or if i have to continue to pay rent, then its enough for several millenia. And thats just afer 20 days of playing.
He shouldn´t be so angsty, if hes a millionaire o.o even after paying 50% taxes or something like that.